Response200 400 401 429
The decision response contains all data you need to build the ads. It's organized as an associative array using the identifiers (from your ad request) as keys.
The most important part is the data object, containing the data of the creative itself. If no ad is available for a certain zone due to targeting, budgeting or deduplication, the idenfier key contains an empty array.
tips_and_updatesads object |
An object containing all identifier strings from your original ad request as keys. |
console object |
An array of console notifications and warning during decisioning. It's only meant for troubleshooting. |
user object |
Data from the user who made the ad request, which was used for targeting. |
Ads Object
This associative array contains all identifiers from your original ad request as keys. Inside you'll find:
advertiser_id int |
The ID of the advertiser assigned to the chosen ad. |
campaign_id int |
The ID of the campaign assigned to the chosen ad. |
channel_id int |
The ID of the channel assigned to zone ID for which you have requested an ad. |
creative_id int |
The ID of the creative assigned to the chosen ad. |
tips_and_updatesdata object |
The complete creative in JSON format. |
tips_and_updatesevent_token string |
A token that you will use to log an event, like an impression, click or conversion. |
zone_id int |
The ID of the zone for which you have requested an ad. |
Example Request
"ads": {
"div1": [{
"advertiser_id": 645091658,
"campaign_id": 811263544,
"channel_id": 488223173,
"creative_id": 770775699,
"data": [0],
"event_token": "eyJybmQiOiIxNjYxMDIzMTczLjkzNzM1NDQ5NDIiLCJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjo0ODgyMjMxNzMsInpvbmVfaWQiOjUzNzQ3Nzk4NCwiYWR2ZXJ0aXNlcl9pZCI6NjQ1MDkxNjU4LCJjYW1wYWlnbl9pZCI6ODExMjYzNTQ0LCJjcmVhdGl2ZV9pZCI6NzcwNzc1Njk5fQ",
"zone_id": 537477984 }],
"div2": [{
"advertiser_id": 166409558,
"campaign_id": 263811544,
"channel_id": 882243173,
"creative_id": 077775699,
"data": [0],
"event_token": "bmQiOiIxNjYeyJyxMDIzMTczLjkzNzM1NDQ5NDIiLCJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjo0ODgyMjMxNzMsInpvbmVfaWQiOjUzNzQ3Nzk4NCwiYWR2ZXJ0aXNlcl9pZCI6NjQ1MDkxNjU4LCJjYW1wYWlnbl9pZCI6ODExMjYzNTQ0LCJjcmVhdGl2ZV9pZCI6NzcwNzc1Njk5fQ",
"zone_id": 798453747 }] }
format_quoteThese plug & play ad serving APIs have cut down developement cost tremendously. Absolutely a huge time saver for anyone who wants to build a custom ad server in a short time.
Hayden Elson
Developer at Galactic Media